# Blickfeld ROS2 package This package provides a ROS2 node for publishing PointCloud2 messages from Blickfeld LiDAR devices. It also works with RTI Connext. A launch with yaml parameterization also works in principle. However, for this package, the use of `ros2 launch` is still experimental with ROS2 Eloquent and therefore may not work, or only partially. ## Supported devices The Blickfeld ROS2 driver supports all currently available Blickfeld LiDARs such as Cube 1 and Cube Range 1. ## Dependencies To install the Blickfeld ROS2 driver, please make sure the following dependencies are installed on your system. * [blickfeld-scanner-library (BSL)](https://docs.blickfeld.com/cube/latest/external/blickfeld-scanner-lib/install.html) with system-wide protobuf installation. * [diagnostic_updater](https://index.ros.org/p/diagnostic_updater/) can be acquired via your distribution's package manager, or via $ rosdep update $ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y ## Build $ colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-clean-first If compiling with RTI Connext yields a CMake warning, please recompile without cleaning the build space beforehand. ## Running the Blickfeld ROS node The typical way to start the Blickfeld driver is as following: $ ros2 run blickfeld_driver blickfeld_node --ros-args -p host:=cube-0056 --remap __node:=bf_lidar You can also start it with more parameters, e.g.: $ ros2 run blickfeld_driver blickfeld_node --ros-args -p host:=cube-0056 -p publish_ambient_light:=true -p publish_intensities:=false If you prefer a similar way to **launch**, like you would in ROS(1) (beware of the new ".xml"), you can start the driver like this: $ ros2 launch -a blickfeld_driver live_scanner.launch.xml host:=cube-0056 Or if you prefer to put the parameters into a yaml: $ ros2 launch blickfeld_driver live_scanner_yaml.launch.py This then uses a parameter yaml in the config directory. ### Parameters All the following parameters are available in launch _and_ run: | Argument | Note | Default | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | **host** (required) | The host name or the IP of the device you want to publish the point clouds from, e.g., `cube-0028`. | | | node_name | Name of this ROS node. | `bf_lidar` | | point_cloud_out | Topic to publish the PointCloud2 message to. | `$(var node_name)/points_raw` | | remap | Remap this node’s input/output topics to commonly used ones.
If `false`, canonical names in the form of `$(var node_name)/foo_(in/out)` are used, depending on whether a topic is an input or an output topic. | `true` | | lidar_frame_id | The ROS TF where the point cloud should be in. | `lidar` | | rviz | Start rviz if this argument is true. | `false` | | use_lidar_timestamp | Set to true if the timestamp in the ROS point cloud message should be generated from the device timestamp; otherwise the timestamp will be the ROS time when the frame was received on ROS. | `true` | | publish_intensities | Set to true if the PointCloud2 message should contain intensities. | `true` | | publish_ambient_light | Set to true if the PointCloud2 message should contain the ambient light level. | `false` | | publish_explicit_range | Set to true if the PointCloud2 message should contain the `range` field. | `false` | | publish_no_return_points | Set to true if the PointCloud2 message should contain points in a given range for pulses without a return. | `false` | | no_return_point_range | Dummy range for points of pulses without a return. | `1.0` | | publish_all_returns | Set to true to publish all the returns for every point. Adds the field `return_id` (ID for each returned point) to the point cloud. | `false` | | publish_time_delta | If `true`, the PointCloud2 message will contain the timestamp field per point to represent the time offset from the start of the frame. | `false` | | publish_point_id | Add the `scanline_id` field, the `scanline_point_index` field (= the point’s number in the scan line), and the `point_id` (= frame-global point ID) to PointCloud2 message.
If the device is configured to return multiple return points (multiple reflections), all these three IDs will be identical; only the `return_id` will differ. | `false` | ### Debugging Add '__log_level:=debug' to see details: $ ros2 run blickfeld_driver blickfeld_node --ros-args --remap __node:=bf_lidar -p host:=cube-0056 -p publish_ambient_light:=true -p publish_no_return_points:=true __log_level:=debug #### ROS2 message content To look at the ROS message sent by this ROS node, you can use $ debugging_tools/ros2-topic-echoparsed.py It shows all the fields present in the message. ## License This package is released under a [BSD 3-Clause License](LICENSE) (see also [https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause](https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause))