stream.point_cloud, frame)
class, from_file=None, filter=None, reference_frame=None, point_filter=None, extend_subscribe_request=None)

Class to request a point cloud stream

  • connection (blickfeld_scanner.scanner.connection) – connection to the device

  • from_file – path to file, of which to stream a point cloud, if this is set, no connection should be given

  • filter


    > Introduced in BSL v2.10 and firmware v1.9

    Filter points and returns by point attributes during the post-processing on the device. Is replaced by ‘point_filter’.

  • reference_frame

    > Introduced in BSL v2.10 and firmware v1.9

    Frame representing the desired data. To request a field, set it to any value (also in submessages). For a repeated field, add at least one element.

  • point_filter

    > Introduced in BSL v2.10 and firmware v1.9

    Filter points and returns by point attributes during the post-processing on the device. This replaces the ‘filter’ parameter

  • extend_subscribe_request

    > Introduced in BSL v2.13 and firmware v1.13

    Extend point cloud subscription request with additional parameters. This is mainly used internally.

REF_FRAME_XYZ = <Blickfeld Frame 0: 0 returns, 0.0x0.0 FoV, 1 scanlines>

Reference frame: XYZ coordinates

REF_FRAME_XYZ_I = <Blickfeld Frame 0: 0 returns, 0.0x0.0 FoV, 1 scanlines>

Reference frame: XYZ coordinates, intensity

REF_FRAME_XYZ_I_ID = <Blickfeld Frame 0: 0 returns, 0.0x0.0 FoV, 1 scanlines>

Reference frame: XYZ coordinates, intensity, frame id, scanline id, point id, return id

REF_FRAME_XYZ_I_ID_TS = <Blickfeld Frame 0: 0 returns, 0.0x0.0 FoV, 1 scanlines>

Reference frame: XYZ coordinates, intensity, frame id, scanline id, point id, return id, timestamps

REF_FRAME_DEPTH_MAP = <Blickfeld Frame 0: 0 returns, 0.0x0.0 FoV, 1 scanlines>

Reference frame: ambient_light_level, intensity, range, frame id, scanline id, point id


Close point cloud stream and connection. Always call this function before deleting a point_cloud_stream object.


Get metadata of point cloud stream


Point cloud metadata, see: Protobuf definitions PointCloud.Metadata


Receive point cloud frame


fail_on_lost_frames – An exception will be raised when a frame is lost. Please check performance of client or network. If file recording is enabled the compressions level of gzip can be reduced and therefore less CPU power is needed. See record_to_file()


point cloud frame with all the data in it, see: Protobuf definitions Frame


Check whether stream has ended. This function is required for point cloud streams of files


Bool if end of stream is reached

record_to_file(file_name, compresslevel=1)

Record point cloud stream to file

  • file_name – Path to the file where it should be dumped

  • compresslevel – The compresslevel argument is an integer from 0 to 9 controlling the level of compression; 1 is fastest and produces the least compression, and 9 is slowest and produces the most compression. 0 is no compression. The default is 1. If frames are lost during the recording decrease the compression level.

Deprecated since version 2.13.0: Since BSL v2.13.0 this function is deprecated, because of performance issues. Please use blickfeld_scanner.scanner.scanner.record_point_cloud_stream() for a performance improved recording.


Stop recording. Always call this function or the function before deleting a point_cloud object.


Stop and unsubscribe of the stream