
Module Contents


get_frame(host: str)

Fetches a pointcloud frame of a device and dump the sample.

adjacency(frame: blickfeld_scanner.protocol.data.frame_pb2.Frame)

Converts a BSL frame into a dict of numpy matrices of adjacent measurements.


Example on how to export a Cube Frame for Matlab, Octave, and OpenCV.

export_mat.get_frame(host: str)

Fetches a pointcloud frame of a device and dump the sample.

See “Getting Started” example in the Blickfeld-Scanner-Library documentation for a in depth explanation.


host (str) – the host name or IP address of the device

export_mat.adjacency(frame: blickfeld_scanner.protocol.data.frame_pb2.Frame)

Converts a BSL frame into a dict of numpy matrices of adjacent measurements.

BEWARE: - these are not OpenCV compatible matrices, they rather use the original datatype - the samples are anisotropic, see section “Scan pattern” in the documentation


frame (blickfeld_scanner.protocol.data.frame_pb2.Frame) – original time-ordered measurement frame


adjacent matrices per property

Return type



Example on how to export a Cube Frame for Matlab, Octave, and OpenCV.

Fetches a frame from a given Cube, and dumps it for reference. The measurements are rearranged in 2D matrices of adjacent measurements. These are then optionally serialized as ‘frame.mat’ for Matlab and Octave, or as ‘frame.png’ using OpenCV.


args – arguments to parse out the hostname or IP address of the device and export switches.
