Percept API

Output Data Format

Output API Overview

Object List

The Object list is generated on every incoming Point Cloud Frame and contains the following Data:

Table 1. Object List
Field Description


The message header consists of (Project UUID, Project Name and a Timestamp (UTC))


The reference frame the geometry is expressed in


The list of objects (see Object for a description of all fields inside object)

Table 2. Object
Field Description


Timestamp of measurement


A UUID, with which the object can be identified


The position and orientation of the object


The linear velocity of the object


The angular velocity of the object


The shape representing the object (bounding box)


Placeholder for future versions


List of the last poses including the current pose

State List

The State list is generated on every incoming Point Cloud Frame and contains the following Data:

Table 3. State List
Field Description


Message header consists of (Project UUID, Project Name and a Timestamp (UTC))


List of states (see States for a description of all fields inside state)

Table 4. States
Field Description


Timestamp of the LiDAR frame in which the state was measured


The UUID of the zone algorithm generating this state


The type of the current state: counter, accumulated_counter, security, occupancy

Table 5. counter
Field Description


The value of the counter


The type of the counter, one of (INBOUND (counting entries), OUTBOUND (counting exits), INSIDE (counting the current number of objects))

Table 6. accumulated_counter
Field Description


A counter which increases over time starting at '0' at the timestamp 'start_of_count'. The 'count' and 'start_of_count' is automatically reset in certain intervals to prevent integer overflows.


Type of the counter (INBOUND (counting entries), OUTBOUND (counting exits))


Timestamp representing the starting time of the counter

Table 7. security
Field Description


Alarm state of a zone (true (alarm), false (no alarm))


The current number of LiDAR points detected inside the zone raising the alarm

Table 8. occupancy
Field Description


Occupancy state of a zone (true (occupied), false (empty))


The current number of LiDAR points detected inside the zone

Table 9. volume
Field Description


The current volume measured inside the zone (in cubic meter)

You will only receive a State List if you have a Zone configured


Percept provides different encoding formats for the output data. You can choose between either protocol buffer or JSON.


In comparison to the Protocol Buffer (Protobuf) the JSON encoding is human readable. The file size/data transmitted will be larger with this encoding format.

If you use the JSON encoding you don’t need the bf_proto package to be installed to parse the data.
Example Object List JSON Output
Example State List JSON Output

Protocol Buffer (Protobuf)

While JSON is human readable, the protobuf encoding is save/send in binary format. Therefore the protobuf encoding needs less disc space/bandwidth and is recommended to use e.g. via MQTT.

Parse Percept Protocol Buffer

To parse the data, you need our bf_proto package, which is included with Percept. It contains Python and Javascript packages, as well as debian packages for C++ and protobuf source code so that you can compile it yourself.

Install Percept Protobuf for Python

The python code is available as a pip package in the directory pip. You can install bf_proto python package inside the bf_proto directory with the following command:

pip install -e ./pip/*

The package and its modules are imported as conventional pip-packages:

import bf_proto.percept.output.output_pb2
Install Percept Protobuf for Javascript

The JavaScript code is available as a npm package in the directory npm. To install it in your environment you can either use npm or yarn:

npm install ./npm/*
yarn add ./npm/*

The package is handled as a commonjs type:

import { ObjectList } from "bf_proto/percept/output/output_pb.js";
Install Percept Protobuf for C++ (Debian Package)

The C++ code is available as a debian package in the directory debian. In order to use it within your code development it is recommended to install it to your system:

dpkg -i ./debian/*

The package can be used as a library:

#include <bf_proto/percept/output/output.pb.h>

Output Options

There are different ways to get the Output of Percept. You can see the output on the Web UI from Percept, Write Data to File and/or Publish Data to MQTT.

Write Data to File

Percept allows you to store the data into files. The files will be written to a subdirectory of the project.

The files can be found in your Percept directory under /data/projects/project_uuid/file_stream/.

There you will find the object_lists and/or state lists encoded as JSON or Protocol Buffer (Protobuf) based on your selection.

You have to replace the project_uuid with the UUID of your project in /data/projects/project_uuid/file_stream/. See How to get the UUID of a Project

Check out Project Setup - Output Options for the user interface of the output settings.

Publish Data to MQTT

Percept allows you to receive the data via MQTT.

You will receive the MQTT messages on the following Topics, e.g. for Json encoding:

  1. blickfeld/project_uuid/json/Statelist

  2. blickfeld/project_uuid/json/Objectlist

You have to replace the project_uuid with the UUID of your project, see How to get the UUID of a Project.

Check out Project Setup - Output Options for the user interface of the output settings.

How to get the UUID of a Project

You can get the ProjectUUID of your project while hovering with your mouse over the icon next of your project in the overview, see image below.

How to find the Project UUID
Figure 1. How to find the ProjectUUID of your Project

As an alternative you can also export the zone list, there you will also find the project name and UUID inside the downloaded file.