How to upgrade Percept

If you are running a Percept version below 1.4.1, we highly recommend to upgrade to a version 1.4.1 or higher because starting with 1.4.1 we changed to a more secure method of interacting with Docker. See [Important] Revert changes to docker setup to accomplish the task in an easy and fast manner.

The following steps will guide you through the upgrade process:

  1. Stop any running Percept version

  2. To keep your projects created with a previous version of Percept, copy the content of the directory of your old Percept version blickfeld-percept-v1.x.x_licensed/data/projects to the directory of your new Percept version blickfeld-percept-v1.x.x_licensed/data/projects e.g. from blickfeld-percept-v1.1.0_licensed/data/projects to blickfeld-percept-v1.3.0_licensed/data/projects

  3. Remove the images from the old Percept version either by using docker-desktop or the command line:

    1. Docker-Desktop:

      if you use Docker-Desktop first remove the container.

      Remove Percept Container
      Figure 1. Docker Desktop remove the Percept container

      after that you can remove all images in regards to Percept.

      Either every single one:

      Remove single Image

      or by selecting cleanup images

      Cleanup Images
      Figure 2. Docker Desktop cleanup images

      and selecting all images to remove

      Remove all Images
      Figure 3. Docker Desktop remove images

      If you get an error similar to this one Error: (HTTP code 409) conflict - conflict: unable to remove repository …​ (must be force) …​ container …​ is using its reference image …​.

      Error Removing container
      Figure 4. Error removing image because Percept container was not removed first

      make sure that you deleted the Percept container and try it again or try the command line method.

    2. Command line: On the command line, first enter docker image ls to get a list of all images and an overview of the corresponding IMAGE ID. Then you can call docker image rm IMAGE ID with the IMAGE ID from the Percept images.

      Remove Docker Images via command line
      Figure 5. Remove Percept docker images via command line
  4. Follow how to install Percept to load and how to start Percept to use the new Percept version.

  5. You may need to update your browser cache since some web browser store parts of Percept for a faster experience and therefore you might not see all of the changes provided with the new version. To refresh the cache open Percept in your web browser and press ctrl + shift + r

  6. You can remove the directory from your previous Percept version if you don’t need the data/projects of it anymore

  7. Follow the how to migrate Percept projects to use your projects copied from a previous Percept version