Percept Software Installation Guide

If you are running a Percept version below 1.4.1, we highly recommend to upgrade to a version 1.4.1 or higher because starting with 1.4.1 we changed to a more secure method of interacting with Docker. See [Important] Revert changes to docker setup to accomplish the task in an easy and fast manner.

Preparing the Percept Software Environment

Thank you for choosing Blickfeld Percept. In the following chapter we will guide you through the necessary steps of the Percept software installation process.

Installation steps

To run Percept please make sure that the minimum system requirements are satisfied. You can find all system requirements on Percept system requirements page.

Since Percept uses Docker as base to run on multiple systems, we included a guide on how to setup Docker in order to run Percept: How to install Docker.

After the installation of Docker on your system follow the steps to install Percept: How to install Percept.

To check if the installation is successful you can follow these steps to start Percept: How to start Percept.

Upgrade steps

If you are upgrading Percept, please follow the steps on How to upgrade Percept page to upgrade your version.

And finally in order to use your projects that are generated with older version of Percept, please follow the steps on How to migrate Percept Projects page.

Advanced Settings

For more advanced topics, such as used ports and how to change them have a look on Advanced Settings page.