
The Qb2 must only be operated after it has been installed on a stable mounting base. Blickfeld offers different mounting solutions for both permanent or temporary installation purposes. Contact for further information.

Sensor CAD data can be downloaded from


  • Observe the operational and storage temperature limits at the mounting location.

  • Choose the mounting position so the Qb2’s field of view is not obstructed.

  • Avoid mounting configurations where the optical aperture of the Qb2 faces direct sunlight or direct sunlight reflections.

  • Avoid mounting on structures or in locations that could exert shaking or vibrations on the device.

  • Ensure the device is only accessible to trained and authorized personnel.

  • Do not place the Qb2 in the immediate vicinity of sources of magnetic fields. This can degrade the performance of the sensor and, in extreme cases, lead to temporary malfunction.

  • Ensure that airflow at the heatsink of the device is not obstructed by leaving at least a gap of 20 cm between the sensor and surrounding structures in all directions.

  • Always use the defined mounting interfaces of the Qb2 shown below.

Sensor mounting interfaces

Qb2 mounting interfaces
Figure 1. Mounting interfaces of the Qb2 standard version (left) and ETR version (right).

Mounting instructions

It is recommended to perform the mounting process in two steps:

  1. Mounting and rough alignment with the sensor switched off

  2. Fine adjustment of sensor orientation while observing the point cloud

Hot surface!

After longer periods of operation (> 5 min), the housing of the Qb2 can become hot. Avoid touching it during operation or allow the sensor to cool down after operation.

Single versus multi-sensor setups

In this section, we discuss when to consider single-sensor setups and when a multi-sensor setup is better suited. How many LiDAR devices you use is highly dependent on your use case and the environment where the devices are mounted.

Single sensor setup

This setup is recommended: * if you want to cover an area that fits in the field of view of one device. * if there are no blind spots in the area you are interested in.

Multi sensor setup

In a multi-sensor LiDAR setup, it is essential to ensure an overlap between each point cloud for proper registration. A configuration with at least two LiDARs is recommended in the following situations:

  • Large or angled areas: When an area is too vast or has complex angles that cannot be adequately covered by a single LiDAR, the use of an additional sensor becomes necessary. Additionally, if the area to be monitored contains corners or areas requiring a "look-around" capability, an additional sensor should be deployed.

  • Difficult mounting positions: The positioning of the sensors significantly impacts the area coverage and information gathering. Sensors mounted too high may cover a larger area but suffer from reduced point density at a distance, potentially leading to information loss. Conversely, sensors mounted too low may not detect objects that are too close due to the device’s minimum range requirement or that are being obstructed by other objects in front of the device.

  • Occlusions: Occlusions can arise from both moving and static objects in the scene. To address this, consider adjusting the mounting height or position of the sensors. Static objects like walls or pillars can cause blind spots in the LiDAR’s view, and deploying an additional sensor from a different angle can effectively mitigate these blind spots.