Background Subtraction
Algorithms seperating the input point cloud into foreground and background.
Field | Type | Default | Unit |
mixture_of_gaussians |
- |
- |
Use mixture of gaussians for foreground/background detection |
octree |
- |
- |
Use a static octree for foreground/background detection. |
Mixture Of Gaussians
Dynamic background subtraction using a mixture of gaussians. The algorithm automatically slowly updates the background model if the scene changes. The update rate is controlled via 'exponential_decay'.
Field | Type | Default | Unit |
num_initialization_frames |
uint32 |
- |
- |
How many frames of the first received frames are used to build the background Reasonable default: 10 |
exponential_decay |
float |
- |
- |
Controls how fast objects switch between foreground and background. Exponential decay factor. Reasonable default: 0.005 |
min_weight_threshold_for_background |
float |
- |
- |
Controls how much noise the background/foreground is expected to have. Reasonable default: 0.25 |
Uses the first received frames to build a static background map of the environment. The algorithm requires the scene to only contain the static parts of the scene on the start of the processing. The background model is not updated automatically afterwards. The ResetBackground grpc method allows to update the static map of the environment.
Field | Type | Default | Unit |
num_initialization_frames |
uint32 |
- |
- |
How many frames of the first received frames are used to build the background Reasonable default: 10 |