Calibrate Accelerometer
Calibrate the rotational offset of the Blickfeld Cube 1 Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU).
The upright pose is identified by the static acceleration reading [0, 0, -1]. This means, that the gravitational acceleration is measured along the negative direction of the devices Z-Axis.
Place the Blickfeld Cube 1 on a level surface for calibrating the IMU. Avoid any kind of movement of the Blickfeld Cube 1 while running the script.
If the Blickfeld Cube 1 has already configured a rotational offset remove it first by running this script with the ‘–remove’ flag.
# Copyright (c) 2021 Blickfeld GmbH.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
# file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
from blickfeld_scanner import scanner
import numpy as np
from time import sleep
from blickfeld_scanner.protocol.config.advanced_pb2 import Advanced
def calibrate_accelerometer(args):
"""Calibrate the rotational offset of the Blickfeld Cube 1 Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU).
The upright pose is identified by the static acceleration reading [0, 0, -1]. This means, that
the gravitational acceleration is measured along the negative direction of the devices Z-Axis.
Place the Blickfeld Cube 1 on a level surface for calibrating the IMU.
Avoid any kind of movement of the Blickfeld Cube 1 while running the script.
If the Blickfeld Cube 1 has already configured a rotational offset remove it first by running
this script with the '--remove' flag.
# ensure a given vector is normalized to length 1
def _unit_vector(v: list) -> np.array:
return np.array(v) / np.linalg.norm(v)
# calculate the rotation matrix
def _calculate_rotation_matrix(acc_imu: list, acc_calib: list = ORIENTATION_UPRIGHT) -> np.array:
acc_imu = _unit_vector(acc_imu)
acc_calib = _unit_vector(acc_calib)
# see
imu_static_rotation_offset = np.eye(3)
if np.linalg.norm(np.cross(acc_calib, acc_imu)) < 1e-6:
imu_static_rotation_offset = -imu_static_rotation_offset
axis = np.cross(acc_calib, acc_imu)
s = np.linalg.norm(axis)
c =, acc_imu)
axis_cross = np.zeros(9)
np.put(axis_cross, [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7], [-axis[2], axis[1], axis[2], -axis[0], -axis[1], axis[0]])
axis_cross = axis_cross.reshape(3, 3)
imu_static_rotation_offset = np.eye(3) + axis_cross +, axis_cross) * (1 - c) / (s ** 2)
return imu_static_rotation_offset
device = scanner(
print(f"connected to {}")
cfg = device.get_advanced_config()
# clear imu_static_rotation_offset and exit
if args.remove:
del cfg.processing.imu_static_rotation_offset[:]
device.set_advanced_config(cfg, persist=args.persist)
print("static rotation offset removed")
# check for configured imu_static_rotation_offset
if cfg.HasField("processing") and len(cfg.processing.imu_static_rotation_offset) != 0:
print("imu_static_rotation_offset is already configured")
print("remove configuration by starting this script with '--remove'")
# measure the actual static acceleration by removing configured imu_static_rotation_offset
del cfg.processing.imu_static_rotation_offset[:]
# calculate and set imu_static_rotation_offset
imu_static_rotation_offset = _calculate_rotation_matrix(acc_imu=list(device.get_status().imu.static_state.acceleration))
cfg_new = Advanced()
cfg_new.processing.imu_static_rotation_offset[:] = imu_static_rotation_offset.flatten()
# check error after calibration
state = device.get_status()
acc_imu = _unit_vector(state.imu.static_state.acceleration)
print(f"offset after calibration: {np.linalg.norm(ORIENTATION_UPRIGHT - acc_imu)} [g]")
# rollback in case error is too large (e.g. device was moved during calibration)
if np.linalg.norm(ORIENTATION_UPRIGHT - acc_imu) > ERROR_ALLOWED_NORM:
print(f"error too large, maximum allowed is {ERROR_ALLOWED_NORM}")
print("rolling back changes")
del cfg.processing.imu_static_rotation_offset[:]
device.set_advanced_config(cfg_new, persist=args.persist)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # Command line argument parser
parser.add_argument("target", help="hostname or IP of scanner to connect to") # host name or IP address of the device
parser.add_argument("-p", "--persist", help="Persist configuration on device", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("-r", "--remove", help="Remove static rotation offset. Enable persist to remove permanently.", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()