Client Libraries

Additional client side libraries are provided by Blickfeld for selected languages to speed up the client development & integration and to ensure that all security features are activated by default.

Intentionally, the client libraries are kept lightweight to avoid dependency conflicts with client applications. All libraries enable access to the Application Programming Interface (API) and the available methods are auto-generated from the underlying Protobuf Definitions.

Language Library Recommended usage



Rapid prototyping, data evaluation, live point cloud streaming & processing, and (maintenance) tools.


C++ CMake Client Library

C++-based client applications and high-performance, multi-sensor real-time point cloud streaming & processing.

ROS2 Driver

Qb2 ROS2 Driver

Integration in ROS2 processing networks.


Protobuf Protocol

The raw gRPC Protobuf files are available on Github and can be compiled for various platforms. Note that all security-related additions, such as TLS authentication, or automatic decoders of binary data to platform-specific types need to be done manually.